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ESG Policy

Lucion Group (and the Lucion Group companies) recognises the need for operating its business, and providing the products and services it supplies, in a sustainable and sensitive manner, reflecting the varied environments that it works in. All activities are organised and managed through an Environmental Management System, designed around the ISO 14001 standard, and subsequently incorporated into our integrated management system. This includes environmental management, sustainability, and recycling. An assigned Executive Group Board member will be responsible for ESG and implementation and delivery of this policy.

The Lucion Group is committed to improve its environmental and sustainability performance by implementing the following:

  • Comply with relevant legislation set out by government and regulatory bodies and where possible adopt industry leading standards that will exceed compliance;
  • Development of best sustainable practices through partnership with research organisations
  • Working with, respecting and contributing positively to local communities and those affected by our activities;
  • Delivering sustainable solutions with our people, our customers, our supply chain for the wider community and environment in which we work and live.
  • Encourage our Clients to meet their environmental duties through promotion of a life cycle approach, balance capital costs and long term running costs;
  • Work in accordance with the waste hierarchy of remove, reduce, reuse and recycle such as:
    • Promoting paperless work practices through our own and our customer’s activities
    • Maximise the amount of waste material that is recycled and to minimise the amount that goes to landfill by reusing and recycling materials including sorting recyclable materials in offices, recycling ink cartridges, and printing and copying on double sided settings.
    • Improving energy efficiency, using renewable energy and monitoring and reducing carbon emissions including minimising travel wherever possible and encouraging the most sustainable transport options where practicable
  • Promote awareness of environmental issues both within and outside the business.
  • Sourcing products and services that are manufactured/provided with due regard to environmental aspects and human rights;
  • Developing sustainable procurement procedures;
  • Improving health and well-being of all our people;
  • Protecting the environment and enhancing it wherever possible for the benefit of future generations;
  • Taking steps to prevent pollution to water sources, soil and air;
  • Reducing water usage;
  • Creating employment opportunities and career progression through growth of the Lucion Group;
  • Increasing employee satisfaction;
  • Educate, train and motivate employees to understand and undertake their role in preventing, controlling and reducing our environmental impact;
  • Maintain upper tier registration for waste carriage with the Environment Agency for Lucion Group Companies where applicable
  • Ensuring that all used/redundant electrical and IT equipment is returned to central services at the end of its useful life for appropriate disposal in accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations.

Lucion Group, and the Lucion Group Companies will meet on an annual basis to set new environmental improvement targets and to monitor and review our progress on existing environmental initiatives in view of continually improving our environmental performance.

Ross Boulton

Chief Technical Officer

19 June 2024

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