Delta-Simons was instructed by Lark Energy Limited to prepare an Ecological Management and Monitoring Programme, and to undertake a nesting bird survey for a solar panel development in Hawton, Nottinghamshire.
The project had to be completed within one week and given that the instruction coincided with a two-day bank holiday weekend this left little time for the works to be completed. The proposed development could not take place until a pre-commencement planning condition requiring an Ecological Management and Monitoring Programme had been discharged.
Outline / Scope of Works
The proposed development commencement date coincided with the peak nesting bird season so our Ecology team undertook a nesting bird survey of the entire Site and surrounding land due to be impacted by the works. All nesting birds are protected under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 (as amended) from the point at which they begin to build their nests until all of the chicks have fledged, so the works could not proceed until the client was certain that there were no nesting birds on Site.
Following this, we also prepared the Ecological Management and Monitoring Programme which included a five year management plan for the Site to ensure that species of flora and fauna occurring at the Site were retained. Habitats were also enhanced where possible to encourage an increase in biodiversity at the Site with both planting and creation of roosting and nesting sites for bats and birds.
The nesting bird survey and the Ecological Management and Monitoring Programme (including bespoke elements for identified priority species) were dellivered by our team within the extremely short timeframe, such that the planning condition was discharged by the District Council and the development could proceed on time as planned.
The flexibility of our Ecology team, coupled with their ‘can-do’ attitude, enabled the ecology works to be completed satisfactorily within the given timeframe.