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Ecological Consultants for Trent Bridge Community Trust


Delta-Simons was appointed by Trent Bridge Community Trust to complete a Tree Assessment and Bat Activity survey, following outline planning conditions for the demolition of the previous sports pavilion and to facilitate the development of a new cricket clubhouse on Victoria Embankment at the Meadows Recreation Ground.

A Tree Assessment was required to ensure that existing trees were safeguarded during construction of the new clubhouse, whilst a Bat Activity survey was required to ensure that no bats were roosting within the former clubhouse, such that its demolition would destroy a roost or risk injuring any bats present (an offence under UK and EU law).


An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) was prepared for trees within and immediately beyond the boundary of the proposed cricket pavilion. The purpose of the report was to assist with the preservation of trees around the area of the development site, the current status of existing trees with recommendations for protection methods for the retained trees, construction techniques and good working practices. A nocturnal bat survey was undertaken to assess bat activity associated within the old clubhouse before it was demolished. The exterior of the building was assessed for potential bat access points and evidence of bat activity. The roof was found to have extensive damage with missing tiles and a number of holes which could serve as bat entry points, however, it was discovered that the presence of pigeons roosting internally would reduce the potential of bat occupation. The building was assessed as having a low Bat Roost Potential.

No bats emerged from the building during the survey, and low activity levels were recorded within the area. It was concluded that the building did not support a bat roost and, therefore, there were no further constraints with regards to bats and the buildings demolition.


The bat surveys were completed within the permitted period for this species which enabled the pre-commencement conditions to be discharged and enable the development to proceed.

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