This 1-day course is designed to provide RPS training for those who supervise or use, sources of ionising radiation for gauging, such as: level gauges, density gauges, back-scatter gauges, thickness gauges, and scanning thickness gauges. Both X-ray and sealed sources (e.g. Co-60, Kr-85, Sr-90, Cs-137, Pm-147 and Am-241) will be covered in this course.
Hosted in our Leeds Office, his course is suitable as a refresher course for existing Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) and workers becoming new RPSs, covering all the modules of core competencies required by the HSE:
The nature of ionising radiation and its effects
The different types and sources of ionising radiations. Properties of ionising radiation, and the quantities and units that are used. The harmful effects of radiation on the body and the need for dose limitation.
The principles of radiological protection
Minimising radiation doses using the principles of time, distance and shielding. Restriction of exposure as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) using the Hierarchy of Controls.
Radiation Legislation
Explaining the regulatory requirements of The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 and The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 (as amended).
Role of the Radiation Protection Supervisor
Key responsibilities and duties of the RPS.
Radiation monitoring & measurement
The different types of instrumentation used to measure radiation dose rates and doses, including handheld monitors, dose-rate meters, and personal dosimetry.
Radiation Risk assessments, Local Rules, safe working procedures and policy.
Contingency Plans
The RPS responsibilities, and the steps to be taken, in a during accident scenario to minimise or prevent doses.
Upon completion of this course, each attendee will be provided with an RPS training certificate, allowing the continuation of, or appointment to, relevant RPS roles.
Note: this course is not suitable for sources of ionising radiation used in industrial radiography or irradiation, dentistry, and veterinary medicine – these courses are available on request.
classroom Training Course