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Classroom Training

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS): Gauging with Radiation


In Person





This 1-day course is designed to provide RPS training for those who supervise or use, sources of ionising radiation for gauging, such as: level gauges, density gauges, back-scatter gauges, thickness gauges, and scanning thickness gauges. Both X-ray and sealed sources (e.g. Co-60, Kr-85, Sr-90, Cs-137, Pm-147 and Am-241) will be covered in this course. 

Hosted in our Leeds Office, his course is suitable as a refresher course for existing Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) and workers becoming new RPSs, covering all the modules of core competencies required by the HSE:

The nature of ionising radiation and its effects

The different types and sources of ionising radiations. Properties of ionising radiation, and the quantities and units that are used. The harmful effects of radiation on the body and the need for dose limitation.

The principles of radiological protection

Minimising radiation doses using the principles of time, distance and shielding. Restriction of exposure as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) using the Hierarchy of Controls.

Radiation Legislation

Explaining the regulatory requirements of The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 and The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 (as amended).

Role of the Radiation Protection Supervisor

Key responsibilities and duties of the RPS.

Radiation monitoring & measurement

The different types of instrumentation used to measure radiation dose rates and doses, including handheld monitors, dose-rate meters, and personal dosimetry.


Radiation Risk assessments, Local Rules, safe working procedures and policy.

Contingency Plans

The RPS responsibilities, and the steps to be taken, in a during accident scenario to minimise or prevent doses.

Upon completion of this course, each attendee will be provided with an RPS training certificate, allowing the continuation of, or appointment to, relevant RPS roles.

Note: this course is not suitable for sources of ionising radiation used in industrial radiography or irradiation, dentistry, and veterinary medicine – these courses are available on request.

classroom Training Course

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Dates Available

  • 28th November 2024

  • 10th December 2024

  • Where Is The Course?

    Lucion Leeds Westgate Office Suite C1 Josephs Well Westgate Leeds LS3 1AB

    Where Is The Course?

    Strategically positioned to serve the diverse industries thriving in West Yorkshire, our Leeds training team delivers radiaition protection course for local clients in our managed offices.
    Aerial view of a city square in Leeds, England on a sunny day. The square is surrounded by historic stone and brick buildings, including a ornate clock tower. Modern glass and concrete high-rise buildings are also visible in the background. The square itself features a roundabout with streets radiating out, green spaces with trees, pedestrian areas, and a couple of green double-decker buses. kelvinjay from Getty Images Signature -
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    The Society for Radiological Protection Member

    Lucion Radiation Protection is a member of The Society for Radiological Protection.

    Achilles FPAL

    Lucion Radiation Protection Services is a registered supplier on the FPAL Achilles Oil and Gas Europe – Silver
    Supplier Number: 00036388
    Valid until: 11/07/2025

    UK Radon Association

    Lucion Group Limited is a UK Radon Association Member

    Valid until 01/06/2025

    View our certificate

    RPS Refresher – Classroom

    RPSs must regularly attend refresher training to maintain and expand their knowledge of radiation protection, legislation and industry best practices. This is essential for those wanting to retain their RPS appointment with their company.
    worker dressed in PPE, dark blue high vis overalls, green helmet, orange work gloves crouching next to orange cannister on green grass.


    This course provides the delegate with the necessary information for dealing with Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in the Oil and Gas Industry and satisfies the HSE requirements for RPS training – as stated in IRP6. The course can also be used by HSE practitioners and managers to update themselves on changes in legislation and practice.
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