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Asbestos Management Plans 

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Accredited Asbestos Services

UKAS Accredited – Inspection

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS-accredited inspection body No. 0263 in relation to asbestos.

View our UKAS Schedule

UKAS Accredited – Testing

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2569 in relation to asbestos.

View our UKAS schedule

ATAC: 6080

Asbestos Testing & Consultancy Association Member


Lucion is a professional and very approachable organisation. Extremely helpful in giving technical advice on asbestos management issues.

NHS Property Services Ltd

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Asbestos Management Plans FAQ

Lucion is a UK-leading asbestos consultancy, offering national coverage and a dedicated approach to project management. Our commitment to quality, health, safety, and the environment sets us apart.

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2569 and inspection body No. 0263 in relation to asbestos.

Regular reviews, especially after any changes to the building or asset, are crucial. Our team ensures your AMP stays updated, preventing unreliable documentation and maintaining compliance.

Asbestos Management Plans (AMP) provide details of how the asbestos within buildings, identified or presumed, is to be managed after an Asbestos Survey has been conducted.

Your AMP should include:

  • Who the Duty Holder is
  • Details of the Asbestos Register
  • Action Plan
  • Training Schedule
  • Communication Strategies
  • Contingency Plan
  • Emergency Arrangements

You can find out more information about what should be in your asbestos management plan here: Asbestos Management Plans Guide.

As the Duty Holder, commissioning, delivering, and updating the AMP is your responsibility. Our consultants assist you in this daunting task, ensuring your compliance and effective asbestos documentation.

Before you can get an asbestos management plan you will first need to have an asbestos survey to determine if your building contains any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

You can find out what type of asbestos survey you need here: Asbestos Surveys Explained.

If asbestos is confirmed in your building, you will be required to have an asbestos management plan to comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2012. This is a requirement for all non-domestic premises in both the public and private sectors where asbestos can pose a threat to individuals or the environment.

Your asbestos management plan should be simple to understand, easy for the duty holder to update, and easy to access.

An AMP details how asbestos in buildings is managed post Asbestos Survey. It includes the Duty Holder, Asbestos Register, Action Plan, Training Schedule, Communication Strategies, Contingency Plan, and Emergency Arrangements.

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Lucion Impact Bulletin

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