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Arboriculture Services

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Trusted Arboricultural Services

The Arboricultural Association Membership

Our Arboriculture Team members hold Technician Member level with The Arboricultural Association.

IEMA EIA Quality Mark

Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd has achieved the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment’s (IEMA) Quality Mark for Environmental Impact Assessment as a large producer of Environmental Statements and Chapters.

Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Lucion’s team of Ecologists undergo specialist training and maintain active membership with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.

Arboriculture FAQs

Look for a team of qualified, experienced arboriculturists who take a collaborative, client-focused approach. Lucion’s arboriculturists have expertise spanning the full lifecycle of arboricultural considerations, from pre-planning surveys through to long-term management, and a proven track record of delivering successful outcomes that satisfy industry standards and regulatory requirements.

If your site contains trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), arboriculture professionals can act on your behalf when applying for any necessary works. Our team assesses trees, prepares detailed reports for the Local Planning Authority, and advises on the best approach to secure the required approvals.

Regular on-site supervision and monitoring of tree protection measures give you confidence that construction activities are not harming retained trees. It also helps demonstrate compliance with the approved Arboricultural Method Statement to the Local Planning Authority.

The Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) covers the technical details of tree protection measures required during construction. Adherence to the approved AMS is often a condition of planning consent, so a realistic, workable method statement can help you satisfy the Local Planning Authority’s requirements.

An Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) evaluates the potential effects of your development proposals on existing trees, providing details on mitigating any adverse impacts. This ensures trees are effectively integrated into the design, satisfying the Local Planning Authority’s requirements.

Conducting a comprehensive tree survey provides a crucial understanding of the location, size, condition, and constraints of all trees on and around your site. This information informs the design process and helps you avoid or mitigate any adverse impacts on trees, which can be a significant constraint on development.

Register for IMPACT Bulletin

Lucion Impact Bulletin

Verified. Accredited. Certified. Trusted.