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The housing sector faces unique challenges in balancing the need for affordable, quality homes with stringent safety regulations and sustainability goals. From managing existing housing stock to developing new communities, housing providers must navigate complex environmental, safety, and legal considerations.

As a professional in the housing sector, you’re tasked with providing safe, affordable homes while navigating a complex landscape of regulations and community needs. Whether you’re managing existing properties, developing new sites, or resolving boundary disputes, you face unique challenges that require expert knowledge. At Lucion, we understand these complexities and offer tailored solutions to support your operational excellence, ensure regulatory compliance, and drive sustainability initiatives. 

Comprehensive Boundary and Surveying Services 

Our expert team provides a wide range of surveying services crucial for housing development and management: 

  • Boundary surveys to accurately define property lines and resolve disputes 
  • Topographical surveys for site planning and development 
  • Building surveys for property condition assessments 
  • Underground utilities surveys to identify and map subsurface infrastructure 
  • CCTV drainage surveys for maintenance and renovation planning 
  • 3D modelling and BIM services for project visualisation and planning 

Our surveying services ensure you have accurate, detailed information to support decision-making, planning, and dispute resolution throughout your housing projects. 

Environmental and Safety Services for Housing 

Beyond our surveying expertise, we offer a comprehensive range of environmental and safety services tailored to the housing sector: 

  • Asbestos surveys and management plans for existing properties 
  • Legionella risk assessments and water hygiene management 
  • Environmental Impact Assessments for new developments 
  • Contaminated land assessments and remediation strategies 
  • Energy performance assessments and improvement recommendations 

Our services ensure you meet and exceed regulatory requirements, helping you maintain safe, healthy living environments for your tenants while optimising operational efficiency. 

Sustainability and Environmental Compliance 

As stewards of community development, housing providers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate sustainable practices. We offer: 

  • Sustainability strategy development and reporting 
  • Energy audits and carbon footprinting for housing stock 
  • Waste management and minimisation strategies 
  • Environmental management system implementation (ISO 14001) 
  • Green building certifications support (BREEAM) 
  • ESG performance assessments and improvement plans 

We help you showcase your commitment to environmental stewardship, enhancing your reputation and operational resilience. 

Your Trusted Partner in Sustainable Housing Development

With our extensive experience in environmental, safety, and surveying services, we’re well-positioned to support the housing sector. Our understanding of social housing needs and experience working with tenants ensure we can work effectively within sensitive community environments. 

View our accreditations

Trusted Environmental Services

By choosing Lucion as your partner, you gain a dedicated ally in your mission to provide safe, affordable, and sustainable housing. Our understanding of housing sector challenges, comprehensive services, and commitment to innovation empower you to navigate the complex landscape of modern housing development and management with confidence.

View our Certifications

Ready to discuss your project?

Our expert consultants are on hand to discuss your needs. Arrange a call today.

Get in touch direct:

+44(0)345 5040 303

[email protected]

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Assured Environmental Services for the Housing Sector

CHAS Certification

CHAS Certification

Lucion Services Limited: CHAS-0016114

Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd: CHAS – 197746

Lucion Surveys Ltd: CHAS-0001023

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Constructionline Gold

Constructionline Gold includes Acclaim’s SSIP accreditation, streamlining compliance and health and safety information.

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Lucion Services Ltd

Ground Probing Radar Licence

It is a legal requirement in the UK for Ground Penetrating Radar users to hold an Ofcom licence, the licence needs to be renewed every three years.

Lucion Surveys are licence holders 0996045/1

The Survey Association Membership

Lucion Surveying is a full member of The Survey Association

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UKAS Accredited – Testing

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2569 in relation to asbestos.

View our UKAS schedule

UK Radon Association

Lucion Group Limited is a UK Radon Association Member

Valid until 01/06/2025

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Our team is a diverse, collaborative group of individuals who are passionate about making the world a safer place to live.

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Lucion Impact Bulletin

Verified. Accredited. Certified. Trusted.