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Why Choose SEM

Trusted Absestos Analysis

UKAS Accredited – Inspection

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS-accredited inspection body No. 0263 in relation to asbestos.

View our UKAS Schedule

UKAS Accredited – Testing

Our UKAS ISO 17025 accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services. Lucion Services is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2569 in relation to asbestos.

View our UKAS schedule

Scanning Electrons Microscopy Fibre Counting Scheme (SEMS)

Our UKAS ISO 17025-accredited hazardous materials laboratory operates under the legal entity Lucion Services Ltd. We participate in the Scanning Electrons Microscopy Fibre Counting Scheme (SEMS).

Register for IMPACT Bulletin

Lucion Impact Bulletin

Verified. Accredited. Certified. Trusted.