Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Lucion Group
1st February, 2019
For over 150 years, the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), has been at the forefront of promoting the security of life, property and environment whilst providing practical and innovative solutions to health and safety for both the marine and offshore industries.
Lucion have been audited by ABS resulting in becoming a recognised Service Provider of Inventory of Hazardous Materials which ABS Surveyors may rely on to make decisions affecting classification or statutory surveys.
As the first UK supplier to receive certification from the American Bureau of Shipping, Lucion Marine’s clients can be assured that the services they procure from Lucion Services and its subsidiaries relating to its multiple accredited laboratory meet required standards set out by ABS.
Lucion have been audited by ABS and have provided a satisfactory practical demonstration of its services and testing relating to the services of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials. The validity of the certification is subject to the Rules, Guides and Standards provided by ABS.
One of the key requirements of the Hong Kong Convention (2009) and European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EUSSR) is to conduct an Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM), to be maintained throughout the life of the vessel
The IHM is a system to record controlled hazardous materials onboard ships and achieve compliance with ship recycling regulations. The convention requires that the IHM be maintained by the shipowner throughout the lifetime of the ship. The IHM should be re-inspected annually to ensure its relevance and a full re-survey of the vessel carried out every five years.
Lucion is certified by Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, ABS and a member of Decom North Sea.
Discover more about Lucion Marine services and how we can help you to achieve compliance by clicking here: Lucion Marine Services.
American Bureau Of Shipping:
Lucion Marine - Inventory of Hazardous Materials:
Lucion Services - Accreditation:
Lucion Marine - Services:
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