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Large companies face ESOS deadline

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

26th June, 2015

ESOS is the UK's response to Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), requiring all UK organisations to meet the qualification criteria to undertake mandatory energy audits. The qualification criteria for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) means that all large organisations in the UK with 250+ employees, or have an annual turnover of more than €50m (£38,973,777) and an annual balance sheet total in excess of €40m (£33,486,489) as of the 31st December 2014, are eligible to participate. With an estimated 14,000 UK businesses eligible and a deadline of 5th December 2015, the Environment Agency, who administer ESOS, are concerned that companies may face fines for not meeting the target. The UK Government estimate that ESOS will lead to £1.6bn net benefits to the economy, with the majority of these being directly felt by business as a result of energy savings. Delta-Simons' Sustainability Advisor, Dan Ellis explains the importance of the new directive, "ESOS should not be seen as just another burdensome admin task. ESOS actually presents a real opportunity for businesses to identify tangible and significant energy savings – helping companies to be more resilient and profitable. In many cases, a good quality ESOS Assessment can identify annual savings of 4-5 times the initial cost of the audit." Delta-Simons have extensive experience in undertaking energy assessments on behalf of companies, and can guide you through the 10-step ESOS process. Esos flow For your ESOS enquiry, email us or contact Dan Ellis on 01522 882594.

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