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Great Crested Newt Survey Information

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

5th March, 2018

Great Crested Newt (GCN) are a European Protected Species, and surveys may be required for both on site and within up to 500m of a site if suitable terrestrial habitat connects to the water body, and the site itself supports suitable terrestrial habitat.

This species can, therefore, have a wide impact and affect many development sites. Surveys are heavily seasonably restricted, with a minimum of four survey visits of any impacted water bodies being required between mid-March and mid-June, two of which have to be undertaken between mid-April and mid-May.

Aquatic Survey Season:

    15th March - 15th June

Terrestial Survey Season:

  15th March - 15th September

Environmental (e)DNA Survey

  15th April - 30th June

How long to allow for surveys: 

  Potentially across the full survey period

Latest date to commence the
aquatic surveys:

  25th April



All surveys are weather dependent. Four aquatic survey visits are required (two survey visits must be between 15th April - 15th May). If GCN found then a total of six survey visits are required to determine a population size, three of which will need to be between 15th April - 15th May)

Planning Risk:


Survey information is required during the planning determination period, failure to provide may result in delays to determination or even refusal

Construction Risk:


If found on-site GCN can cause major delays to Site works. Excavations remaining open that are subsequently flooded may result in GCN colonisation if they are present in the area.    

Design Risk:

  Potential requirement for on-site mitigation, consideration of SUDS ponds and potential as GCN habitat requires consideration 

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