Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Lucion Group
5th March, 2018
This species can, therefore, have a wide impact and affect many development sites. Surveys are heavily seasonably restricted, with a minimum of four survey visits of any impacted water bodies being required between mid-March and mid-June, two of which have to be undertaken between mid-April and mid-May.
Aquatic Survey Season: |
15th March - 15th June | |
Terrestial Survey Season: |
15th March - 15th September | |
Environmental (e)DNA Survey
15th April - 30th June | |
How long to allow for surveys: |
Potentially across the full survey period | |
Latest date to commence the
25th April | |
Notes: |
All surveys are weather dependent. Four aquatic survey visits are required (two survey visits must be between 15th April - 15th May). If GCN found then a total of six survey visits are required to determine a population size, three of which will need to be between 15th April - 15th May) |
Planning Risk: |
Survey information is required during the planning determination period, failure to provide may result in delays to determination or even refusal |
Construction Risk: |
If found on-site GCN can cause major delays to Site works. Excavations remaining open that are subsequently flooded may result in GCN colonisation if they are present in the area. |
Design Risk: |
Potential requirement for on-site mitigation, consideration of SUDS ponds and potential as GCN habitat requires consideration |
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