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Delta-Simons Sustainability Team Celebrates Newly Qualified ESOS Lead Assessors

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

21st December, 2022

As the ESOS Phase 3 qualification deadline draws near (31st December 2022), we are pleased to announce that Principal Sustainability Consultant Rob Dadzie and Senior Sustainability Consultant Liv Roberts have successfully achieved ESOS Lead Assessor accreditation.

Rob Molyneux, Sustainability Unit Director provides insight into why ESOS accreditation is important for clients entering into Phase 3.


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) requires all large companies in the UK to carry out energy auditing of their Buildings, Industrial Processes and Transport operations. These mandatory energy audits require oversight, review and approval by an ESOS Lead Assessor, who has been approved by one of the nominated approved registers.  

ESOS Lead Assessors are important. They play a crucial role in helping organisations comply with the ESOS regulations and improve their energy efficiency. By conducting thorough energy audits and providing expert advice, Lead Assessors can help businesses identify ways to save energy and reduce their environmental impact. This can not only save the organisation money, but also help it to meet its legal obligations under the ESOS regulations. In addition, ESOS Lead Assessors can help companies demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, which can improve their reputation and attract customers, investors and team members.

A good ESOS Lead Assessor should have a strong understanding of the ESOS regulations and the energy audit process. They should also have extensive experience in conducting energy audits and identifying energy-saving opportunities. In addition, a good Lead Assessor should be able to provide clear and concise advice and guidance to organisations on how to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their energy consumption. They should also be able to work effectively with a team of assessors and other professionals, and be able to communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders.

Our ESOS Lead Assessors have a proven track record in delivering ESOS Compliance and Energy Audits across a wide range of industrial sectors including:

  • Transport, Distribution and Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Commercial Offices
  • Retail
  • Technology & Software
  • Hospitality & Leisure
  • Construction
  • Offshore drilling
  • Food and Drink

I am immensely proud to announce that Principal Sustainability Consultant Rob Dadzie and Senior Sustainability Consultant Liv Robert have successfully achieved ESOS Lead Assessor accreditation recently. Becoming an accredited ESOS Lead Assessor recognises both Rob and Liv as suitably qualified, competent and experienced energy professionals, and adds credibility to Delta-Simons’ trusted energy and sustainability offer.

The ESOS Phase 3 qualification deadline is looming and there’s less than a year until the ESOS Phase 3 compliance deadline (5th December 2023). Our team can support you in complying with ESOS and through the delivery of compliance plan workshops, which will establish full client responsibilities. In instances where multiple options exist, we will work closely with organisations to agree a preferred approach and methodology, delivering energy audits, completion of ISO 50001 Certification and conducting Green Deal Assessments.

We have extensive experience in undertaking energy assessments on behalf of companies, and can guide you through the 10-step ESOS process;

  1. Review existing audit work
  2. Agree audit methodology, scope, timescales
  3. Establish a cost effective sample of building audits
  4. Prioritise low and zero cost energy efficiency measures
  5. Identify capital investment energy efficiency measures
  6. Determine appropriate energy-use profiles
  7. Compile ESOS evidence pack
  8. Lead Assessor sign-off
  9. Board director sign-off
  10. Notify the Environment Agency of compliance

Our dedicated consultants are well-placed to conduct a gap analysis which reviews both current and historic consumption data and provides an assessment of your collection processes. The work will involve the delivery of BS EN 16247-2 compliant building energy audits and the submission of an ESOS Compliance Report.

Take control of your energy consumption and achieve compliance with a holistic sustainability and energy assessment supplier. Click ‘make an enquiry’ or call our team on +44 (0)1522 882 555.


About The Author

Rob Molyneux

Sustainability Unit Director

Rob holds 18 years of operational experience in the energy and sustainability field, primarily in energy and carbon for the built environment and corporate sustainability. 

With clear challenges in front of businesses in relation to climate change, carbon emissions and sustainability, it is an exciting time to be in this sector with the ability to help organisations to understand and mitigate the risks – and to grasp the opportunities – we face as a result of climate change impacts on our businesses.

Rob Molyneux 

E: [email protected]

M: +44 (0)7974 188 349

Linkedin: Rob Molyneux

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