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Delta-Simons are proud to announce the official validation of carbon reduction plans by the Science-Based Target (SBT) Initiative

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

4th September, 2020

Delta-Simons has had our carbon reduction plans approved by the Science-Based Target (SBT) initiative. Science based targets As an environmental consultancy, we are committed to leading the way in environmental consultancy and play our part in reducing global emissions carbon emissions and limiting the damaging effects of climate change. We have been calculating our carbon footprint (Scope 1, 2 and 3) for 10 years. Over that time, Delta-Simons has grown significantly and, as we have opened more offices and our vehicle fleet has expanded, our carbon footprint has unfortunately grown too. But thankfully not at the same rate. In the last 2 years our carbon emissions have plateaued despite year-on-year 20% business growth. Now the real work begins. Over the next 10 years Delta-Simons are committed to reducing our direct emissions and indirect supply chain emissions by at least 50%. We will do this by:
  • Procuring 100% renewable energy for our premises
  • Working with our landlords of shared offices to purchase renewable energy
  • Upgrading our vehicle fleet to hybrid or fully electric vehicles
  • Increasing the use of public transport for business travel
  • Embracing home working, web-conferencing and remote methods of working to reduce the need to travel
  • Exploring and implement cleaner land drilling and remediation techniques
  • Reducing our consumption of paper and card, plastics, aggregates, metals, timber and glass.
  • Sourcing alternative sustainable materials
  • Offsetting annual residual emissions via verified projects
  • Planting trees and restoring our natural environment to have a positive legacy
We will achieve these carbon emissions reductions in the context of continuous business growth - creating more high-quality jobs and providing more support to our Clients to reduce their environmental impacts too. Science Based Targets graph

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